In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious the Ever M erciful
Identifying some pices of reading topics, trainer Jehan helped the trainees to go through 13 types of reading pieces.
A free discussion and group work were done about reasons of our students weakness points reasons and some of the common mistakes and how to solve them.
We came across the three phases of teaching a reading text, which were pre-reading, while reading and post reading phases, then we have group work to discuss their importances in our lessons.
A practical activity to apply the pre, while and post reading phases was presented. Trainer Jehan divided the participants into two groups and each group into three sub-groups each group had to present a lesson with its three phases by each sub-group.
Teacher/ Jehan used the LCD display, worksheets, wall papers and other materials in order to introduce the activities of this session.
She used the group work, free discussion, individual work and pair work in order to apply some procedures of the session.
Final feedback was done and for our luck all attitudes were positive in 85% of the activities, timing, presentation techniques, using technology, trainer character and others.
The target group was an excellent, coperative, brilliant and intelligent one.
هناك تعليق واحد:
السلام عليكم انا طالبة من مدرسة بنات بيت لاهيا الاعدادية اسمى ايمان ابو سيسي الصف السابع اكثر شي عجبني في هذا الموقع لجان الانجليزي واشكر كل من ساهم في هذا الموقع وخاصة المعلمة الفاضلة جيهان عاشور والمعلمة*وفاءابودية* واشكر جميع المعلمات والسلام عليكم
إرسال تعليق