In the Name of Allah, The most Gracious the Ever Merciful
Mr. Maher Sharaf, supervisor of English language teachers, had asked Miss Jehan to perform a session for newly appointed teachers in the Northern Area on behalf of him while he was travelling out.
Miss Jehan has prepared the session which was entitled " Educational Games " and presented it at 11:00 am at Jabalia Girls' Prep. School " B " and it lasted till 1:00 p.m.
Teacher Jehan Started with a brain teaser about " Teaching sterotypes" then she gave each participant a balloon in order to write down a teaching stereotype on it. After participants finished, they all talked about their sterotypes and classified them into positive and negative. Balloons holding negative teaching stereotypes are exploded with a pin.

After that, Teacher Jehan used the LCD screen to give more brainstormings about the definition of a game. She quoted from the German language the definition and asked participants to comment on the definition.
They gave their opinions breifly.
Teacher Jehan asked participants to work out a new activity by matching both halves of the proverbs about animals.
Participants liked this activity too much specially the new proverbs and they tried their best to guess their significances.
Then a debate has been arranged. Teacher/ Jehan divided participants into two groups. Group one was the group of teachers who use games inside their classrooms. Group two was the group who don't use games inside their classrooms. Each group talked about their purpose of using/not using games and reasons behind using/not using them. It was so funny and useful.
Trainer exposed participants into a cartoon about a classroom and she asked trainees to elecit from the cartoon the factors of how to choose a game.
Trainer also asked participants to work in pairs and write the game criteria.
The last phase of the session was an application for some games.
Trainer wrote down games on pieces of papers and folded them. Participants chose their pieces of papers and then play the games written on the papers with the other participants and act if they were students.
They were so happy when performing and presenting new games in front of their collegues.
Evaluation sheets were distributed among them. Most of them were happy with the activities and gave good reaction.
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